How To Store Your Candles

Ever wondered how to store your candles? We know it's a question you've asked yourself before. Well, wonder no more! There are many ways to keep your scented candles safe and fresh for the next year, but here are our Smells best tips.

How To Store Your Candles

Store Your Candle in a Jar

The best way to store your candles is in a glass jar or container with a tight-fitting lid. This keeps the wax from becoming soft and brittle, which can happen when it gets too hot and then cools off quickly. The wax will stay more solid so that it won't break down as quickly over time.

If you're storing your candles in a glass jar or container, make sure you keep them away from sunlight and heat sources such as hot water faucets or heat lamps. You should also keep the jar out of direct sunlight and away from drafts that could cause your candle to melt faster than normal.

If you want to store your candles in a metal tin or tin can, make sure that the tin can itself is made of metal — not plastic or ceramic — so that there are no chemicals inside it that could contaminate your wax. If you do use a tin can, don't use one that has been used for foods because food-grade tins tend to be porous and allow moisture into the wick area, where it can damage the wick and cause molding over time if left

Storing an Unlit Candle

Avoid Direct Sunlight

When you store your candles that aren’t actively being burned, it is important that they are stored away from direct sunlight. The sun’s heat can damage the candles by melting them or causing them to discolor.

This can be even messier if your candle doesn’t come in a jar and is a simple stand-alone candle. If the wax heats up from the sun, you may experience a wax mess on your table or bookshelf!

Store in a Dry Space

Where to store scented candles? A dry place is ideal but not always available. If you can store your candle at home or work, keep it away from heat sources like furnaces and air conditioning vents.

Keep Your Candles Away from Strong Scents

It is important to keep your candles away from any strong scents, including perfumes and colognes. Storing them in the same room as these items can all be overpowering. It’s best to practice storing your candles away in their own cupboard, away from essential oils, fragrance sprays, and more!

Storing a Lit Candle

Do Not Store by Other Open Flames

A candle is a wonderful way to add some ambiance and light up your home, but it could be dangerous if you don't keep it away from open flames.

Candles are made of flammable oils that can catch fire if they're too close to an open flame, like a hot stove. This means that candles should never be placed on or near any kind of stovetop or heat source because the wax will melt and cause an explosion—which could cause severe injury or even death!

Keep Them Out of Reach of Children

Keep your candles out of reach of children, pets, and other candles. If you have young children who might accidentally knock over a candle while playing with their toys (or just because), then it is crucial that you keep all lit candles out of reach.

Keep Them Away from Curtains

If you have a pair of curtains near your candle, you should not burn candles in the area. Candle smoke can easily get attached to your curtain and stain them. Even worse, an open flame around a flammable curtain is a recipe for disaster and can cause a house fire!

Don’t Leave them Unattended

Don't let a burning candle go out unattended. If you leave your room for a few minutes to get something from the kitchen, don't forget that your candle is still lit. Although candles are safe when used properly, leaving them unattended can wreak havoc on your home.

A Candles Shelf Life

The candle’s shelf life is a significant consideration for those who will be using them. The best way to ensure that you have the longest life possible from your candles is to keep them in an airtight container away from sunlight. This will help them stay as fresh as possible and ensure that they do not lose any of their properties over time.

The shelf life of a candle depends on several factors, including how recently it was made and how long it has been since it was first lit. Typically, if you have many candles available to use at once, they will last longer than smaller amounts. The average candle will last anywhere from six months to two years, depending on how often they are used and how well they are stored.

Putting Out the Flame

Candles are fun, and they're also a staple of many holiday traditions and cozy homes. But whether you enjoy using them for their traditional purpose or for an entirely different one, it's important to take good care of them.

We hope that this article taught you EVERYTHING you need to know about properly storing your candles so that they remain in tip-top shape and, more importantly, safe from danger.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There a Difference When Storing Unscented vs. Scented Candles?

No, it is safe to say that there is no real difference between how you should store an unscented candle and a scented one. No matter your candle, follow the tips above to ensure that your candle stays in fantastic condition!

Should I Store My Candles Upside Down

Candles are said to burn more evenly if they are stored upside down. Rather than pooling at the top of the candle, the wax pools at the bottom, which helps the flame burn more steadily. Additionally, storing candles upside down prevents them from dripping

Does The Type of Candle Wax Affect How It Should Be Stored?

Paraffin candles may not melt as fast as beeswax candles. However, they should both be stored away from heat sources and in dry, cool areas to prevent unwanted melting.

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